Moon in Sagittarius

Today, around the early afternoon, the Moon will enter 12 degrees Sagittarius (I Aspire) and be at an exact conjunction with Saturn there. This conjunction will only last an hour or so, but it is auspicious for it’s symbology and the struggle we face as a nation to rise above what we are becoming. According to the Sabian Symbol for 12 degrees Sagittarius is:


KEYNOTE: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations.

In the background of this strange allegory we can recognize the deep-seated belief that the American nation and its basic democratic institutions were constituted to be the cradle for a new step in human evolution. The “flag” is the abstract symbol of the nation; it becomes an “eagle” — another U.S. symbol — when the concept is made alive by bold and transcendent action. The eagle symbolizes spiritual will and the power to rise to the highest possible altitude of consciousness and purpose. Flying at such an altitude, the eagle is the first living creature to perceive the rising sun. Having perceived it, it heralds it — and by so doing is identified with the crowing chanticleer, who had convinced himself that his resonant cry was responsible for the rise of the sun and the coming of a new day.

This second stage symbol contrasts with the first in that it is completely future-oriented. It speaks of “peak experiences” instead of the wisdom found in the organismic depth of the body- consciousness. It urges us to bring our noblest ideals to actual life through the power of the spiritual will. A Keyword might be ANNUNCIATION.”

Annunciation definition: 

(formal archaic)
the announcement of something.
“the annunciation of a set of rules applying to the relationships between states”

Wowzers! This is just screaming at me: What do our symbols mean to us today and what is their actual heritage? Are we in alignment with the ideas that actually founded our nation? Are we hiding behind any flags or symbols? What is the communication like from person to city, from city to county, from county to state, from state to regional from regional to national? And last, but certainly not least: What is my role in America, the small and the big? How well do I communicate my ideas to the world around me and the world at large?

We are leaving the New Moon stage and headed to the First Quarter and this time is all about action. With the Moon and Saturn conjunct, it is a great time to put to action some serious mediation, because your emotional self and systematic self are matching up and you just might have the chance for a breakthrough.

Article that caught my attention:

Quick Reference

The Sun – the ego
The Moon – the emotional body
Mercury – the mouth, the communicator
Venus – the affections
Mars – the mover and shaker
Jupiter – the faithful and lucky
Saturn – the builder of systems
Uranus – the intuition and the inventor
Neptune – the tide and the great spirit
Pluto- the undertow, death

Aries – I am
Taurus – I have
Gemini – I think
Cancer – I feel
Leo – I will
Virgo – I analyze
Libra – I balance
Scorpio – I desire
Sagittarius – I aspire
Capricorn – I utilize
Aquarius – I believe
Pisces – I know

1st House – Identity, The Self
2nd House – Material possessions
3rd House – Communication mediums
4th House – Your home
5th House – Stages of Creativity
6th House – Health & Work
7th House – Partnerships (friends, lovers, coworkers, etc.)
8th House – Shared resources
9th House – Ethics & Education
10th House – Career & Reputation
11th House – Social Groups
12th House – The Hidden Self (subconscious, dreams, etc)

Astrology Basics

Astrology is a lot like math, there are a lot of calculations involved. Whenever I go to check the planets positions I think of it as building an equation. There are four basics in astrology: the planets, the signs, the houses and aspects. I have briefly covered the planets as the actors and the signs as the role the actor is playing.

When visualizing the houses and which house a planet is currently in imagine that the house is the stage that the actor is playing a certain role upon, it is the field of experience, not the experience itself. You have twelve fields of experience, according to astrology: the self, your possessions, what you use to communicate, your home (and childhood), where you get creative, your work and health, your partnerships, your shared resources, your education, your career, your companions, your subconscious mind.

Last are the aspects, and I will just mention the major ones, or ones that I follow and take into account most often. So, you have actors, roles and stages….what are the aspects part in this play? The aspects are how the actors are communicating with one another. Are they doing well sharing energy or does the whole thing drain the actor of energy or perhaps the actors agitate one another. The aspects are the angles the planets are from one another, how many degrees separate them. Major aspects include:

Conjunction – 0 degrees: the planets are in the same sign and lend energy and help to one another
Sextile – 60 degrees: the planets are able to nourish one another, considered a lucky aspect
Square – 90 degrees: the planets are at odds and their current roles do not blend well together, however they can be strengthened by this aspect if you are able to get the lesson the planets are giving
Trine – 120 degrees: the planets are sharing an element and therefore help build one another up in the specific element, added strength
Opposition – 180 degrees: the planets are butting heads, stationed at opposite ends of the zodiac; every coin has two sides and it is best learned when the planets are opposing one another. Inharmonious aspect, but valuable lessons


Planets – Actors
Signs – Roles
Houses – The Stage
Aspects – The Dialogue

Jupiter in Libra

For the next year Jupiter, the actor of Faith and Expansion, the Lucky King I sometimes call him, will be touring the attitudes and actions of Libra the 7th sign and an air sign. Jupiter is ruled by fire and with the help of airy Libra expansion will not be an issue, so long as your are open, the planets are not deterministic, you must accept and be willing to change in order for change to occur. The planets do not offer black and white solutions, rather they give you new flavors, new ideas, new roles to play so that you may try on different things and learn what suits you best.  If you find yourself stuck or unable to find any faith, there may be an aspect in your chart worth looking at, like your natal Jupiter position and house position. If your natal Jupiter is square (Cancer or Capricorn) or in opposition (Aries) to Libra you may be feeling an stressful tug from the Universe to reconsider how you approach faith and the world at large, is it hard for you to get out in the world or do you have trouble accepting new ideas and peoples? If this is the case, perhaps spend some time meditating on the things that light your fire and the things that don’t. Consider the value of your current held notions and how they are helping you expand into your natural gifts.My natal Jupiter is in Taurus and Jupiter’s current position of Libra does not make a major aspect to my natal chart. However, Libra is my 9th house (Jupiter rules the 9th house) and is therefore giving me an extra boost of luck and feelings of “being home”. With Jupiter in Libra in my 9th house this boosts my ability to teach and learn new ideas, it helps me better balance my contributions to my writings, inspiration and shared information. It also helps me to take a deeper look into the methods and institutions. To me, the universe is asking me to have faith, to dream big and to reach out in the world with my gifts (writing and inspiration). The universe is not asking me to be a preacher or to try to be limited in my views, Libra is also expansive and balanced and asks us to be pleasing in our attitude and manner. Jupiter is larger than life and when he is activated  in our charts we could possibly over-do something or over-look important details; we often see the forest and not the trees in this position. Balance and partnership, one day at a time (Rome was not build in a day) and GO WIDE!

Jupiter in Libra is in opposition to Uranus in Aries, almost a complete contradiction of energies and ideas. Aries is all about me and Uranus is the planet of erratic actions and unpredictability (quite opposite from Jupiter’s great benevolence and Libra’s desire to be beautiful and balanced). This is a great lesson in the dance of life! You can not have an up-swing without a down-swing. We must stick up for ourselves and move forward for ourselves, no one is going to take the initiative for us, so allow that Aries spirit to pierce you deep, find the inspiration in it, yet don’t over do it or succumb to the war-like feelings Aries can impregnate you with. Remember that it isn’t all about you all the time (Neptune in Pisces is calling us to remember that the world is one). Look around you for signs of people infected with too much Uranus in Aries, look for those who won’t stop fighting and are seemingly banging their heads into a wall. Do you want to be that person? No? Then take note of them, remember what you do and don’t want in life, and perhaps lend them a helping hand if that would help balance the situation. With this opposition in play, avoid making important moves and changes impulsively, make sure you are not biting off more than you can chew. Let your persuasive powers and essential worth serve as the magnet which attracts favor and gain. Be serene, poised and confident. And when in doubt, just breathe. Jupiter is the lighter and Uranus the stick of dynamite. Choose carefully where you throw them.

Jupiter through the houses:

1st house- altruistic manner, touches individual hearts with luck and grace
2nd house- highly resourceful, lucky in material gain
3rd house- endless sharing of information and inspiration
4th house- dreams of large, spacious homes
5th house- generous creativity, shared with all
6th house- pleasure and luck in work and methods used
7th house- great fortune in relationships, try new places
8th house- instinct for answers in investigation, follow your nose
9th house- benevolent sharing and teachingd, international audience
10th house- great position and status in work
11th house- true humanitarian instinct activated, try new methods
12th house- the guardian angel, deep meditation, nirvana


Sun – Libra
Moon – Cancer
Mercury – Virgo
Venus – Scorpio
Mars – Sagittarius
Jupiter – Libra
Saturn – Sagittarius
Uranus – Retrograde in Aries
Neptune – Pisces
Pluto – Retrograde in Capricorn (direct on 9/28 )

“WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?” That is the number one question I get. As soon as I lay out the information like this then I have completed the first step, but that does not mean that I automatically know what “they mean”. And, truly, they mean so many things. First, you list out all the factors in the equation. Then, you are able to start identifying meaningful patterns (both personal and global). And then you might start seeing a meaning, perhaps a thought pulling at your mind or a feeling beginning to take up your heart space.


The Sun and Jupiter are in OPPOSITION (an inharmonious aspect) with Uranus in Aries (with the Uranus placement it is square my natal Uranus in Capricorn, therefore adding a bit more tension to the tight rope walk I am feeling during this aspect).
When the Sun and Jupiter team up it gets fiery and productive very quickly. When Uranus gets involved things get erratic and in the role of Aries, Uranus can be quite volatile and aggressive, kind of like a cowboy mentality in the wild west.
Now with the Sun and Jupiter in opposition to Uranus (180 degrees apart) I would call that explosive. Explosives can be great, think of being locked in a prison, what better to have then access to a stick of dynamite (the sun and Jupiter) and the lighter (Uranus) to make it all happen. But what if you’re not in a prison? What if you were happy and content and not in much need of an explosion? Too bad. When these planets meet in opposition to one another you can bet that something is going to come toppling down. This may seem cruel at first, but if you stop to think about it, perhaps there is a bright side…..maybe the relationship you were in needed an adjustment, maybe the job or position you held was holding you back and you just weren’t ready to pull the plug. Well, the planets pulled the plug for you. Say bye bye to the Old, say hello to the new. The planets are asking you to take a harder look at your personal affairs, self-development and your general attitude towards life.

LIBRA is the theme of the month while the Sun and Jupiter dance here: all things require a balance…..and to look pleasing. Perhaps you are not usually into the whole ascetics thing, but you’d really like to win the affections of that certain someone or you’d enjoy moving up the totem pole some in your field. Libra, the sign of the scales, is asking you to weigh every thought, feeling, motive and intuition against the scales or reality. Is it good, beautiful and true? Then it has a higher likely hood of succeeding right now. There will always be a time to fight tooth and nail for what you want (hello Aries), but this month, the planets are asking you to consider a different way of obtaining what you want: harmony, balance. And with Neptune snuggled up at home in Pisces, the world really is one and we have to question the things we feel are good for us, are they good for we? Weigh all things on the scales of reality: the world is one. Do you know that to be true?


Questions that come to my heart and mind during this time period:

How do I spend my time? Is it productive? Does it make me happy? Does it help others?
How well do I keep up with my health and hygiene, the smaller things in life?
What do I take into my body?
How do I work out aggression?

Love from Kansas ❤