Moon in Sagittarius

Today, around the early afternoon, the Moon will enter 12 degrees Sagittarius (I Aspire) and be at an exact conjunction with Saturn there. This conjunction will only last an hour or so, but it is auspicious for it’s symbology and the struggle we face as a nation to rise above what we are becoming. According to the Sabian Symbol for 12 degrees Sagittarius is:


KEYNOTE: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations.

In the background of this strange allegory we can recognize the deep-seated belief that the American nation and its basic democratic institutions were constituted to be the cradle for a new step in human evolution. The “flag” is the abstract symbol of the nation; it becomes an “eagle” — another U.S. symbol — when the concept is made alive by bold and transcendent action. The eagle symbolizes spiritual will and the power to rise to the highest possible altitude of consciousness and purpose. Flying at such an altitude, the eagle is the first living creature to perceive the rising sun. Having perceived it, it heralds it — and by so doing is identified with the crowing chanticleer, who had convinced himself that his resonant cry was responsible for the rise of the sun and the coming of a new day.

This second stage symbol contrasts with the first in that it is completely future-oriented. It speaks of “peak experiences” instead of the wisdom found in the organismic depth of the body- consciousness. It urges us to bring our noblest ideals to actual life through the power of the spiritual will. A Keyword might be ANNUNCIATION.”

Annunciation definition: 

(formal archaic)
the announcement of something.
“the annunciation of a set of rules applying to the relationships between states”

Wowzers! This is just screaming at me: What do our symbols mean to us today and what is their actual heritage? Are we in alignment with the ideas that actually founded our nation? Are we hiding behind any flags or symbols? What is the communication like from person to city, from city to county, from county to state, from state to regional from regional to national? And last, but certainly not least: What is my role in America, the small and the big? How well do I communicate my ideas to the world around me and the world at large?

We are leaving the New Moon stage and headed to the First Quarter and this time is all about action. With the Moon and Saturn conjunct, it is a great time to put to action some serious mediation, because your emotional self and systematic self are matching up and you just might have the chance for a breakthrough.

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